Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Almost one month later...

I finally post again. Sorry for the lack of posting. Life has been pretty hectic lately. Youth ministry has kept me very busy both in time spent with them and time preparing to spend time with them. Time grew scarce and something had to go so regular posting has pretty much gone out the window for the past month. I keep telling myself to post more and I never get around to it. So here is a quick update. Christmas was really good, although it was the first one without my older sister there. That was sad :( But we had a good time with my younger sister and her husband Eric. I got a few books, which is always good. I then pulled an overnighter with the youth for New Years eve eve. I had my first experience couch sledding a couple weeks later. That was a unique experience. Imagine a full-size couch with long two-by-fours behind it on skis flying down a snow-covered hill. It was a total blast. I highly recommend it. That was followed by winter camp the next weekend. Winter camp was awesome. We had a few times of worship and teaching and the kids worshipped like I had never heard them before. It was a truly special time. We managed to throw some sledding down a massive hill in there as well. I went down once and came out looking like the abominable snowman. We had a really good and blessed time. Back at home I got to lead worship on Sunday for my church because our worship leader was taking a weekend off to go to St. George. It seemed to go really well by my account, and, by all reports, it did :) I also started a series on I John for the youth on Sunday mornings so, if you remember, I would appreciate your prayers for that. Anyway, life is crazy with little time for much of anything. In other words, I'm loving it! It gets really tiring and stressful at times, but overall I love the pace. What better way to spend my singleness? Anyway, I better get going. Need to start preparing for next Sunday :) Thank you for all of your prayers. May God keep you and bless you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace for His name and His glory's sake.

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