Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Beard

In the words of the great B.B. King: The beard is gone. The beard is gone away. Okay, maybe that's not exactly how it goes, but my beard is gone. I am now "Babyface" Darren. I'm back to my clean-shaven ways. I had that beard for over three years. I hadn't seen my entire face for that long. I looked in the mirror after I shaved and I didn't even recognize myself. The events that demanded the shave was that my youth group and the one we combine with do fundraising by working at the concession stands at Utah Jazz games, and it is Energy Solutions Arena policy that all workers there must be clean-shaven. So I manned-up, bought a Schick Quattro and some Edge Pro shaving gel and discovered the hidden Darren. Most of the people at my church and work had never seen me clean-shaven before so it was a pretty big shock for them. Overall, I think it looks pretty good (at least from the comments I've been getting). It seems that women like the clean-shaven look and men wonder why I would ever shave off a beard like that. My plan for now is to keep it clean-shaven through the summer and revisit growing the beard back when fall and winter hit. Hopefully I'll post a picture of myself beardless soon. Until then, God bless.

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