Sunday, June 11, 2006

Darren: The Supposed Song-Writer

As promised, I'll post the lyrics to the song I mentioned a couple of posts ago. Since then I also put music to some lyrics I wrote a couple of weeks ago, so I'll post that as well. Keep in mind that they might still get modified a little bit.

[Disclaimer: I am not a poet]

From Night to Dawn (tentative title)

I wrote this one one night when I was about to go to bed. I decided to pull out my guitar and just mess around a little bit but ended up writing the words and music to it that night, which adds a little personality to the title.

Verse 1
Lord, how long must I wait
This trial is so hard to endure
But I know that with You I will survive
Because You will revive
This journey's long, but the end is sweet, so sweet
To know You, to see Your face, Your Glory

Your love is steadfast, Your mercy endures forever
Weeping may tarry for the night
But joy comes with the dawn, with You

Verse 2
You have torn me, bruised me, broken me
To revive me to live before You, to know You
How sweet it is to be broken by Christ
for that He will not despise
A broken heart and a spirit that's contrite

Lord I want You more than these temptations
I will seek you above these vain pleasures
You satisfy, You satisfy, O Lord
You satisfy, You satisfy, O God, I'm Yours

Praise Him and Behold Your God

The first verse and chorus just came to me out of the blue one night while I was taking a shower and I had to write them down. I ended up writing a couple more verses and just recently put some music to them.

Verse 1
Praise Him you created beings
Praise Him all peoples of the earth
Raise Your voices, lift up your hands
To the One who dwells in glory
The most beautiful God

By His Word we are created
He sustains us and gives us breath
By His blood He bore our sins
In three days He destroyed the grave
And by His drawing He now abides in us

Verse 2
Praise Him all children of God
Praise Him you broken-hearted
Mourn and sing for joy
To the One who died to show us Himself

Verse 3
Praise Him you pure in heart
Praise Him for your eyes have beheld Him
We gaze upon His beauty
And know Him intimately

Praise Him and Behold Your God
Praise Him and Behold Your God

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