Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bittersweet Farewell

I now know what that phrase means. We left Salmon today at 3 p.m. and got home about an hour ago. It was really hard to say goodbye. But, we know that it isn't forever. We'll talk a lot and I might even go back up there in a month. But our lives won't be the same and we won't get to see them nearly as much as we want to. But it was sweet in that we know that they are doing what God desires of them and they are embracing it with joy. We rejoice with them, but we are sad to see them leave. But, as Kellen's mom said, we will have forever, this life is just a vapor. I can't wait for heaven. To see my savior, to worship Him perfectly, to enjoy perfect fellowship with all the saints as we worship God. It's going to be awesome. I can't wait!

Our time in Salmon was really good. I got to ride up with Kellen in his old, beat-up car and we had a good time. We didn't have A/C but the weather was just about perfect. We rolled the windows down and just cruised. Unloading all their stuff went pretty easy. Bill, Kellen's step-dad, cooked some great meals (ham the first night, salmon and elk steaks today). It was a really good weekend. But I am exhausted physically and emotionally. I'm glad I took tomorrow off.

I hope that you all had great Sundays. God Bless.

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