Monday, September 18, 2006

Fall's Back!

After a brief hiatus, Fall is back in town. The weather has warmed up a little bit, although I still have to scrape the ice off of my car every morning. The sun is shining, the breeze is cool, but not too cold, the colors are vibrant and the air is fresh. It's wonderful. I love it. Especially since I'm not in class or doing homework right now. It's great. A quick update on my paper on relativism. I've written about five pages so far but I'm not very happy with the last couple pages. I think it will be easier to just delete them and rewrite them rather than try to edit them into something workable. Hopefully I'll have it done sometime soon, though. Also, I hope to post on something more serious in the next few days, but lately I haven't wanted to post on what I've been thinking about. We'll see what happens over the next few days.

Talk to you later and God bless.

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