Friday, September 15, 2006


If you've been reading this, then you know that I posted a while ago about calling a person that had something against me. I got a call back from that person last Saturday. Unfortunately I was in the middle of moving Kellen and Jen and didn't have the time to really talk about the situation, but I made sure that he wanted to talk about it and I told him I would call him back early the next week. By the grace of God I followed through and called him back Monday afternoon. Again, I didn't reach him, but I left a message. This time he called back within a couple hours. We ended up talking about 45 minutes. Unfortunately, there was no reconciliation at the end of the conversation. It brings me a great deal of sadness that the situation is what it is. I believe that throughout the conversation, by the grace of God, I was humble and loving toward him. But, in the end, we were still on opposite sides of a very personal issue. After analyzing the issue again, and through much prayer, I cannot change my position. I believe that it would be sacrificing truth on the alter of peace to change my stance. I am deeply sorrowful over the situation and long for our fellowship and friendship to be restored. I leave it in God's hands. He will do what He will in this situation and in our hearts. I only ask that you pray for humility in me to see the truth and will of God and the faith to follow wherever that will might lead. Praise our Lord and Savior! He is indeed over and above all situations and can turn the hearts of men like rivers of water! There is none like Him! He will have His way, I cannot thwart it! He gives and He takes away. Praise the Lord, O my soul!

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