Friday, September 08, 2006


Today was the Salt Lake City Greekfest! The Greekfest is awesome! This is the third or fourth straight year I've been to it. Or something like that. Anyway, we try to go every year. Tonight was also Kellen and Jen's last day in Utah. We leave tomorrow morning. They love the Greekfest so much that they planned their departure date so that they could still go to it. We went with some friends, had some great food, had some great desert, toured the Greek Orthodox Church, and talked to Father Matthew about Greek Orthodoxy. To boil it down, I basically found out that Greek Orthodoxics (Orthodoxians, Orthodoxites? who knows?) don't believe that Christ paid the full penalty for our sins. They believe that it simply bought the opportunity for salvation for all of us and we have to work (although they wouldn't use that term) the rest of the way. In other words, it's basically the same as infused grace as opposed to imputed grace. It was a very interesting conversation. We were encouraged to e-mail our questions to him and I think I'll take him up on that. Anyway, we ate tons of food and had a really good time together. I'm looking forward to next year. Jen and Kellen are already planning on being back in town for it.

I think there was someting I wanted to post about but now I've forgotten it. Don't you hate it when that happens? I'm really enjoying reading "A Case for Amillenialism." It's challenging and very interesting. Looking forward to getting more in depth on the subject.

Well, I'll be travelling to Salmon, Idaho tomorrow so I won't be posting for a few days (what else is new?). May God bless you and be near to you. His nearness is our good.

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