Friday, September 01, 2006

A few random oddities

I just saw the newest Burger King commercial with their mascot "The King" doing a press conference with Drew Rosenhaus, who is Terrell Owens agent. It may not be very funny for non-football fans or those who haven't seen Rosenhaus' press conference last year. But for me, it was hilarious. Those Burger King commericials are kind of hit or miss with me (mostly miss) but this one was pretty funny.

I realized today that even though I don't miss going to school, I do miss parts of it. I was driving home and I thought of a really good topic for a paper. I just finished reading David Wells' Above All Earthly Pow'rs (which is a great book) and was thinking about the postmodern view of relativity and realized that it is definitially impossible. As I thought about it I started putting an argument together and developing an outline. I thought that would be a great topic for a philosophy paper. Maybe I'll write it anyway for the heck of it and for the practice of writing papers. Who would have thought that I, of all people, would miss writing papers? If I do write it, I think I'll send it to one of my philosophy professors and see what his reaction to it is. Maybe it will open up an avenue for talking about God.

Speaking of talking about God, I went out with a few people from my church Wednesday and passed out some tracts in downtown Ogden. John (the lebanese missionary), Don, and I ended up talking to a Catholic guy for about thirty minutes. It was a good conversation. We talked about Mary and Purgatory and Mass and a bunch of other topics. We gave him the word of God and presented the truth to him. He said he would try to come to our church, but that's because he considers himself open-minded, not because he was convicted. Either way, I hope to see him on Sunday and talk to him some more. We're also going to try to go out on a regular basis to pass out tracts and evangelize. We'll see what the Lord does with it.


Lauren said...

if you do write that paper, you should post it. :)

Darren said...

I'll do that. I'm actually really looking forward to writing it.