Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm Back!

Sorry it’s been such a long time since my last post. A lot has happened since then. I moved out and my house doesn’t have internet yet, so that is why I haven’t been able to post. In fact, I’m writing this on Monday and it probably won’t be posted until Tuesday. I’m also writing this from Salmon, Idaho. I had a three-day weekend at work (government workers get Columbus day off!) so I spent it hanging out with my sister and brother-in-law. Right now, I am sitting on their couch, looking out their windows at some beautiful scenery. It’s just past sunrise and there are some clouds against the mountains. It is a great place to just relax and enjoy God’s creation. I’ve also had a great time with Kellen and Jen and I’m not looking forward to saying goodbye in a few short hours. We spent some time touring the small town of Salmon, Kellen and I have watched some good football, we’ve watched small herds of deer cross their field (we scattered a couple herds on the way to breakfast), I helped lead Kellen’s stepdad’s horses in, and we’ve spent a lot of time just talking and enjoying each other. In short, it was a great weekend. I only wish it was longer.

As far as moving out goes, I am renting the top half of a friend’s house. They are living in the nicer mother-in-law quarters and are letting me rent out the top half at a great price. The day I moved out, I went to a bunch of thrift stores with my family and got some great deals on furniture. I even found a couch in really good condition for only $35! I’m really happy about that one. My house is completely furnished now. My mom also furnished me with a ton of food, so I am all set. I love my mom. And we’re not just talking Ramen noodles (although I have a ton of those). She cooked me a bunch of homemade stuff and froze it for me. I don’t think I’ll be missing home-cooking for about a month. Kind of kills the whole being on your own thing, though. Eventually I’ll run out and I’ll actually have to start cooking for myself. That should be an adventure. We’ll be getting internet at my house hopefully by Thursday or Friday. I’m looking forward to being connected to the world again. I’ve actually had to try to find things to do apart from going online. It’s been horrible ;) All jesting aside, though, it will be nice to check my e-mails and hopefully I’ll blog a bit more consistently. Oh, I almost forgot. During the move I injured my knee again. I say again because three years ago I blew out my left knee while playing basketball. I didn’t blow it out this time, but I definitely banged it up pretty good. In my parents house we have a wood burning stove and my dad absolutely loves getting wood for it and chopping it and doing the whole lumberjack thing. While we were moving my dresser into our van, I was walking backwards and didn’t see one of the rounds. I tripped over it and fell and the dresser slammed into my knee and momentarily pinned it against the log. It hurt pretty bad and I wasn’t able to lift anything heavy for the rest of the day. I think I got a bad bone bruise, but other than that it seems to be okay. Funny how these things tend to happen when you don’t have medical insurance. And that brings up another point about my job.

Some of you may know that I work for the IRS. Don’t worry, I only file your returns, I don’t audit or do anything that would cause people to hate me. But my department is getting contracted out. So I had to interview with the contractor a couple weeks ago in order to keep my job. I guess I didn’t interview too well because I am getting demoted. Fortunately, it won’t happen until the end of November. But when it does happen, if I take their benefits package I will make almost $3 less per hour. If I don’t take their package, I will make almost the same amount. Basically, I need to find a better job. So if any of you hear of a good job, feel free to let me know. I don’t mind moving out of state either. But, if nothing else comes up, I guess I'll have to be content with what God gives me. I know that if God had wanted me to get a better position with the new company, then He would have made it happened. So I'll rejoice in what the Lord has brought my way.

Over the last week and a half I’ve also been growing closer to God. Amazing how reading more of the word will do that. I’m such a lazy Christian. Anyway, I’ll probably be posting more about that as soon as I get internet at my house. Until then, God bless.

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