Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm through passing the time

Okay, I can now reveal the news that was mentioned a little over a week ago. And no, nobody is pregnant. Jen and Kellen are moving to Salmon, Idaho to help out a small church up there by leading worship and doing other things. This may not seem to be huge news to anybody else, but it is to me. There are a couple of reasons why this is so big. The first is simply that it is going to be hard on me, my family, and my church to not have Kellen and Jen with us and so accessable. Kellen is easily my closest friend. In fact, I've never had a deeper friendship with anyone else before. This isn't to the detriment of any of my other friends, Kellen and I just have a unique bond. I know that through my relationship with Kellen I have grown closer to God. So it will be hard for me when they leave in September. And, not to leave Jen out, it will be hard to see her go as well. As a family we are all really close and have never spent an extended period of time away. My two sisters and I all went to the same local university and have never lived far apart. So it will be hard from that perspective. It's also been a long time since Jen and I have gone to the same church and I have treasured the last 5-6 months that we have had together at CCC. It will also be hard for my church. You can't really replace a worship leader like Kellen. God has just gifted him so much in that area. And that model of a godly wife that Jen presents will be missed as well. I don't think that we will truly grasp how much they meant to us as a church until they are gone.

And yet, despite the difficulties and the tears (my eyes well up just writing this), my heart rejoices with them. And this is the second reason why this is big news. Kellen and Jen are obviously doing what God has called them to do and are beginning a journey that will lead them even further down the path that God has prepared for them. This is an amazing step for them and is truly a missionary journey. Salmon has a population of about 3,500. But in that small population they have a number of churches (at least 10-12) and only two of them could be considered solid. There are a number of very liberal churches, perhaps even an occult presence, and of course a mormon presence. The church they are going to only has about 25 people so it will definitely be a missionary endevour. I am constantly reminded of Paul's statement "sorrowful, yet always rejoicing." I am indeed sad that they will be leaving, but I rejoice to know that they are going to do the will of God and pursue what He has called them to.

There is also some big news in my life, but I will leave that for my next post. So as I end this post, I just ask that you would pray for my sister and brother-in-law. That they would find joy and peace in doing His will, that the hearts and minds of the people in Salmon would be open to the gospel of the glory of God in the face of Christ, and that they would never tire of doing the will of God and studying to show themselves approved.


alk said...

Dear askinstoo,

Go away you stupid spammer.

love, amy

Kibble said...

Geez, Darren, way to keep bating your gentle readers....